The Queensland Conservation Council (QCC) is the leading independent voice for the environment in Queensland.

We are the peak body for Queensland's environmental movement, representing more than 50 community environment groups across the state. With the help of our supporters, we have been working to protect, conserve and sustain Queensland's environment since 1969.

Our vision is for a Queensland in which nature thrives, wildlife is protected, our industries don't cost the earth, and our communities are in balance with the health of the ecosystem. You can learn more about our campaigns below, or sign up for our email updates to keep up with our work and learn more about how you can help.

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Our work is powered by people like you. Support QCC campaigns by signing up for information, taking action with our friendly volunteer teams, or making a donation today.


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Queensland Conservation Council, our member groups and supporters regularly host events to support our campaigns and to grow our powerful movement. Find an event near you and RSVP now!


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Speak up on an issue you care about - add your voice to one of our petitions.
No cableway in Springbrook National Park

No cableway in Springbrook National Park

3,463 signatures
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Protect Beautiful Queensland

Protect Beautiful Queensland

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Take Strong Climate Action and Build a Positive Renewable Future

Take Strong Climate Action and Build a Positive Renewable Future

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