Our Members

QCC is a member-based organisation. Our member organisations come from across Queensland and represent a diverse range of issues and campaigns concerning nature and climate. Our members are strong advocates for the regions that they live in, they are deeply connected to their communities and work hard to connect with decision-makers for positive environmental outcomes.

QCC member groups are intimately connected to the forests, reefs, coastal regions, desert country and river systems that uniquely represent some of the most important biodiversity in the world.

The vital work done by these resolute community advocates takes many forms. Some of our members are on the ground caring for wildlife, nurturing waterways, educating and supporting their communities to connect to and protect nature. Other members are tireless campaigners and organisers contributing to strengthening environment policy where they can and monitoring and addressing the gaps and weaknesses in those systems in order to ensure long-term environmental protections.

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Take a look at our members and make contact with groups near you!

Queensland Regional Conservation Councils

Cairns and Far North Environment Centre

Cairns and Far North Environment Centre

Capricorn Conservation Council

Darling Downs Environment Centre

Gecko Environment Council

Gladstone Conservation Council

Mackay Conservation Group

North Queensland Conservation Council

Wide Bay Burnett Environment Council

Sunshine Coast Environment Council

QCC Member Organisations

Alliance to Save Hinchinbrook

Anglican Church Southern Queensland

Animal Liberation Queensland

Australian Conservation Foundation

Australian Marine Conservation Society

Australian Rail Tram and Bus Union

Australian Rainforest Conservation Society

Bayside Creeks Catchment Group

Birdlife Southern Queensland

Birds Queensland

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Bribie Island Environment Protection Association (BIEPA)

 Catholic Justice & Peace Commission of Brisbane

Centenary and District Environment Action Inc

Community Alliance for Responsible Planning

Conondale Range Conservation

Energetic Communities

Fraser Island Defenders Organisation

Friends of Stradbroke Island

Friends of the Earth Brisbane

Householders Options to Protect the Planet (HOPE)

Invasive Species Council

Kawartha Forest Protection Society Inc

Koala Action Inc

National Parks Association of Queensland Inc


Noosa Parks Association Inc

Numinbah Valley Environmental Education Centre

Positive Change for Marine Life

Protect the Bush Alliance

Queensland Water and Land Carers (QWALC)


Redlands 2030


Reef Check Australia

Save Our Waterways Now (SOWN)

Solar Citizens

Sustainable Population Australia

The Bimblebox Alliance Inc.

The Wilderness Society

Toowoomba Field Naturalist Club Inc

Wildlife Preservation Society Queensland

Wildlife Preservation Society Queensland

Wildlife Preservation Society Queensland
Logan Branch

Wildlife Preservation Society Queensland,
Sunshine Coast & Hinterland Inc

Zero Emissions Brisbane

Logan & Albert Conservation Association

Environmental Advocacy in Central Queensland Inc

Cape York Weed & Feral Animals

Cape York Weeds and Feral Animals Inc

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Moreton Climate Action Now

Granite Belt Sustainable Action Network

Guardians of the Wet Tropics

Environment Council of Central Queensland

Ipswich For Climate Action Group Inc. 

Rainforest Rescue

Gondwana Rainforest Trust

Whitsunday Conservation Council