First Nations Solidarity Fund

Our First Nations Solidarity Fund recognises that QCC and our members have benefited - and continue to benefit - from unjust and unauthorised transfers of wealth since colonisation.

We will use this fund to disburse money to First Nations communities, organisations, groups, and individuals to alleviate the ongoing economic disparity between non-Indigenous and Indigenous communities.

What it's for

The Fund exists for the benefit of First Nations communities, individuals, companies, and organisations.

Possible recipients may include:

  • First Nations-led state or national advocacy organisations
  • Grassroots groups with a focus on issues of social justice, environmental justice, and land rights
  • Indigenous-led event organisers, or
  • First Nations individuals with a specific need, such as
    • Sorry Business
    • Funerals
    • Legal fees

The above are examples only - funding may be granted to First Nations groups or individuals for other purposes.

How to apply

There will be no formal application process for the Fund. We will ask for the purpose of the funding, the amount requested, and who it should be transferred to. Applicants may receive further contact from Queensland Conservation Council to discuss their application.

To apply or get more information, email [email protected] or Protect Country Strategist Uncle Paul Spearim at [email protected]