30 by 30

    Email Minister Plibersek to say you want a fair go for nature

    30 by 30 is a global agreement to protect at least 30% of the world's land and oceans by 2030. Almost 200 countries are investing in future generations by signing on, including Australia.

    We've already made huge progress, with 22% of our land protected. But there's still a big journey ahead. By protecting 30% of our lands, we can ensure there's clean air and water for our kids and generations to come.

    Is 30% enough?

    30% is just the start! Right now, only about 17% of the Earth’s land is protected. But if we all work together and stick to the plan, we can reach the 30 by 30 target.

    Australia is in a great position to help out. Already, 22% of Australia’s land is protected, which is a big jump from just 7% in the mid- 1990s. To hit the 30 by 30 target, Australia needs to protect an extra 60 million hectares of land by 2030.

    30 by 30 is a big, bold goal so that people and nature have a good future. With the right approach and everyone working together, we can make it happen.

    How do we define 30%?

    That’s a great question! When we set a goal like protecting 30% of Australia’s land, it could be tempting to take the easy way out. But #30by30 isn’t about setting aside vast deserts we're already protecting. It's about preserving a rich tapestry of plants, animals, and landscapes that make Australia so special.

    And we're not just talking about national parks only. We're talking about partnerships with Traditional Owners and private landowners too. These collaborations are key to safeguarding our unique and fragile landscapes while supporting local communities.

    30 by 30 is a big, bold goal so that people and nature have a good future. With the right approach and everyone working together, we can make it happen. Find out more about how we can achieve 30 by 30 – the most exciting news for nature (and our planet) in a long time! – in the 30by30 blog.

    What about all the wind/solar farms that are using land?

    We completely agree that building clean renewable energy should not come at the expense of nature. And that’s where 30 by 30 can help! Right now, only 22% of Australia’s land is protected. By making sure 30% of our land and oceans are protected by 2030, we can create safe havens for our wildlife and preserve nature for future generations.