Become a Member

We are a member group based organisation. Groups who are principally concerned with nature conservation and environmental protection are invited to apply for full membership.

Groups who are allies of the environment movement but who do not have nature conservation or environmental protection as their principle objects are invited to apply to become an associate member.

To apply for membership, groups need to

  1. Fill out an application form (PDF 93k) or Microsoft Word Format (Doc 420k)  
    • Seek nomination and seconding from existing QCC member groups (you can find a list of member groups here)
    • Agree to accept the responsibilities arising from QCC’s Constitution
    • Identify two authorised representatives from your group (these people will be able to vote and stand for the committee)
  2. Send your membership application form to [email protected] and wait for the Executive Committee to consider the application at their next meeting
  3. You will be notified of the outcome after the meeting

Membership info

Membership is annual from 1st July - 30th June. Groups will be required to renew their membership every year.

All members have opportunities throughout the year to

  • Network with each other
  • Participate in workshops
  • Participate in training and information webinars
  • Participate in meetings with other groups about various issues

Ordinary members can vote in meetings and stand for election to the Executive Committee.

Associate members can not vote or stand for election to the Executive Committee.

Full Membership and Associate Membership fees

$30 (exc GST) - Where member organisation budget is under $25,000
$100 (exc GST) - Where member organisation budget is under $250,000
$250 (exc GST) - Where member organisation budget is greater than $250,000