Submit your artwork

Sign up here to enter your or your child's artwork in to the Saving Wild Homes all ages art competition. This Registration Form should be filled out by the artist or in the case of a child's artwork a parent or legal guardian. If you are part of a school or community group and you are interested in sharing this with your community get in touch at [email protected]. You can find out more about the competition here.  

Step 1 - Fill in your details on the right. 

Step 2 - You will be redirected to a submission form to upload your artwork!

Step 3 - Share your artwork on social media #savingwildhomes alongside our petition to encourage others to take action for protected areas.  

To submit your or your child's artwork for judging you will need to create a digital copy of your original artwork, please aim for A4 (3510 x 2490 pixels, 300dpi) in size. This can be a photograph or scanned copy of your work but should not use any digital modification.

Will you sign?

By signing up you agree to these terms and conditions.