Shaping SEQ Regional Plan - Briefing

event WHEN
August 02, 2023 at 6:00pm - 7pm
pin_drop WHERE
Online - RSVP for the link
contact_support CONTACT
Jen Basham ·

The SEQ Regional Plan is being updated in response to the Housing Summit of 2022. 

We must ensure the rush to build new housing doesn’t come at the expense of conservation and climate. Preserving our biodiversity and liveability, and adapting equitably to climate and energy challenges is critical.

We know the koala and many other species are also at threat of extinction in SEQ the next 10-15 years, if we continue on the current path of development,  destroying and fragmenting habitat.

Join us to discuss:

  • What the SEQ Plan update is about
  • How you can get involved
  • How we can work together as a movement

Even if you cannot join us on the night, please RSVP to let us know you are interested in being a part of this new campaign.

Will you come?