Create more national parks in Queensland

Queensland stands to be Australia's most diverse state and has been globally recognised for its impressive and significant levels of biodiversity, holding five of the world's heritage listed areas. Its ecosystems and species, however, are under threat from a range of anthropogenic factors such as habitat loss, invasive species, and our changing climate. In order to safeguard the future of Queensland's natural areas, we ask you to add your voice in advocating for greater and stronger governmental action.

We call on the Queensland Government to build a bigger and better system of parks and protected areas across the state by:

  1. Maintaining the commitment to double the size of Queensland’s protected area system.
  2. Investing in well-managed new National Parks to protect species and help rebuild regional tourism.
  3. Increasing funding for management of our existing national parks, creating more jobs for Park Rangers and land managers.

3,000 signatures
2,950 signatures

Will you sign?