Volunteer Training Day

event WHEN
September 18, 2021 at 9:30am - 3pm
pin_drop WHERE
West End Uniting Church Hall
11 Sussex St
West End, QLD 4101

Google map and directions open_in_new

contact_support CONTACT
Hayley Troupe · · 0421830241

Register for QCC's volunteer training day!

Together we need to stand up and get organised to protect nature, climate and community. QCC depends on volunteers like you to be able to make the difference we need, volunteers continue to play important roles in the many different parts of QCC's work.   

Join other volunteers to get skilled up so you can more confidently stand up to protect nature and climate. This is open to all volunteers whether you have been involved for a while or only just signed up. Lunch will be provided.    

The workshops are interactive with lots of time for discussion. For those who joined the last one, this will offer new, expanded content.

Together we will cover:

- Communicating campaigns - How to talk to people about QCC's and other campaigns. 

- Theory of change - What are the different ways change happen and how do you see change happen. 

- Movement Ecosystem - A look at the different roles organisation place and where QCC fits in. 

- Beginner campaign strategy - A look at the elements of a strategy inc, a deeper diver into tactics and timeline. 

Will you come?