New Report Shows Coal Kills

A new report from Greenpeace has revealed the shocking news that air pollution from Australia’s coal-burning power stations is responsible for 800 premature deaths each year.

Queensland premature deaths due to burning coal are estimated at 39 per year in Brisbane and 34 in Rockhampton.

The Greenpeace report finds the national death toll is "eight times greater than the average annual casualty number from all natural disasters combined and twice as high as the number of smoke inhalation deaths in the recent 2019/2020 bushfire season."

In addition, burning coal is attributable to 14,000 asthma symptoms in children and young adults across Australia, with around 1000 of those occurring in Brisbane and just under 650 in Rockhampton.

Air pollution from Queensland’s coal-burning power stations also causes around 55 cases of low birth weight in newborns in Brisbane and 35 in Rockhampton each year.

Babies born with low birth weight are at increased risk of serious health conditions as adults

There are 8 coal fired power stations in Queensland, and 6 of these are owned or operated by the state government. They are not required to fit best practice pollution controls that would reduce this toxic air pollution.

Please sign our petition asking the government to ditch dirty coal and power up Queensland with clean, renewable energy. 

You can check out the full Greenpeace report and also email the Queensland Environment Minister here


Media Contact

Ellie McLachlan, Media Manager, 0407 753 830