New Qld Renewable Energy Target Legislation An Opportunity for LNP to End Energy Wars

The Queensland Conservation Council (QCC) today welcomes news that the Queensland Government will introduce new legislation to Parliament to cement Queensland's new 70% by 2032 and 80% by 2035 Renewable Energy Targets in law.

But it’s vital that this legislation receives support from the Queensland Liberal National Party Opposition, says QCC.

"Every new solar and wind project that connects to the grid is bringing down power bills, reducing the State's emissions and creating regional jobs. That's a win-win-win for our hip-pocket, environment and economy," said Dave Copeman, Director of QCC.

"We need the State Opposition to back this legislation to demonstrate they are committed to ending the climate and energy wars, and getting on with the transition to clean, renewable energy.

"The state election is exactly one year away and we don’t want to see a repeat of last time where the LNP's plan was to scrap the 50% Renewable Energy Target, which we’re on track to meet two years early.

"Sending mixed signals delays clean energy investment, so bipartisan support for the well-planned transformation of our energy system is vital to achieving the best outcomes for consumers, workers and the environment."

The Bill will also legislate that the majority of the State’s electricity system will remain publicly-owned and formalises the jobs guarantee for workers at government-owned coal-fired power stations.

"The State Government’s commitment to replace retiring coal-fired power stations with clean energy hubs means we’ll be providing good, secure jobs in Queensland’s regions for generations to come."

Media Contact

Ellie McLachlan, Media Manager, 0407 753 830