Call Minister Bowen to fix methane measurement

Help dial up the pressure on Minister Bowen by calling his office today.

Australia's climate pollution reporting rules are broken and allow coal and gas companies to lie about their huge super-polluting methane emissions. Australia's methane emissions are likely DOUBLE what we officially report.

Talking points

  1. Start with your name and where you're from
  2. Ask them to record your message for Minister Bowen
  3. Let them know that you understand that Minister Bowen is currently reviewing the Climate Change Authority's recommendations on methane measurement and reporting - which recommends that Minister Bowen implement scientifically rigorous methane measurement and reporting to reduce Australia's huge under-reporting problem. 
  4. Share that you think that Minister Bowen should turn expert advice into action and he should fix Australia's broken methane measurement and reporting rules. 
  5. Talk about why you want companies to be held accountable for their dangerous climate pollution that is turbo-charging climate disasters in local communities and across the globe. 

Remember to thank them for their time!

Call Chris Bowen, Minister for Climate Change and Energy

Ministerial office: (02) 6277 7120

Electoral office: (02) 9604 0710

Make your call count: tell us how it went