Write Yes - Movement Activation Webinar
Find Out How You Can Support the Write Yes Campaign
The referendum is just weeks away. If you agree that First Nations people should have a greater say in their future, then it’s up to all of us to do all that we can over the coming weeks to support Yes and transformative change beyond the referendum. Yes, to treaties. Yes, to truth telling. Yes, to land rights. Yes.
Join us for an online briefing on the opportunity that this moment presents and the most impactful activities that you and your group/organisation can get behind in the lead up to the Referendum:
WHEN: 6:30-7:30pm AEST Monday 28th August
WHERE: RSVP to be sent the zoom link
WHO: Anyone interested in supporting First Nations Justice - invite a friend/colleague or three to join you
HOST: This briefing is being hosted by Write Yes and allies
We need all of us to win this, will you join us?