Week of Action to Protect Beautiful Queensland
April 20, 2024 - April 28, 2024CONTACT
Hayley TroupeDid you know 77% of people want to see the creation of more national parks in Queensland? Just like you the majority of Queenslanders love national parks and other protected areas for their natural beauty, for a place to relax, connect to Country and of course the critical role they play in protecting our unique plants and wildlife.
Our vision is to double QLD’s protected areas by 2030 in well managed parks, private protected areas and Indigenous Protected Areas with inclusive, collaborative and well-funded management arrangements.
Now is the time for action! Across Australia and QLD, our elected representatives are increasingly backing the call to protect more of nature. However, they need to hear from you. We need to stand together and actively demonstrate broad and diverse support for doubling QLD’s protected areas. By doing this our elected representatives will hear us loud and clear, protecting beautiful QLD is a priority and they must act now.
Sign up to take part in the Protect Beautiful Qld week of action between the 20th - 28th of April by:
Digital Action - Head out into nature and take a photo of yourself with a “Protect Beautiful QLD because …” sign, send it to your MP, share it with us and share it on social media.
Host an event - Increase your impact by bringing your friends, family and community together for a fun nature themed event to celebrate nature and demonstrate active community support. This could be a birdwatch, mini bioblitz, bushwalk, picnic, film screening or nature art workshop just as some examples. It will incorporate participants taking part in the digital action.
Sign up now to participate and receive more information.
Sign up to take part in the Protect Beautiful Queensland week of action
You can join in by
- Taking a Digital Action
- Hosting an event
Get more information and join us: