Environment Agenda for the Queensland Government
Queensland is facing unprecedented challenges, with an economy and community disrupted by the Covid-19 pandemic, and disasters driven by climate change such as the widespread, devastating bushfires of last summer, and the third mass coral bleaching on our iconic Great Barrier Reef that followed.
We have seen the possibility of bold government action, where a reliance on science and expertise has given our political leaders the confidence to radically change the status-quo in order to protect life and avoid the most devastating consequence of COVID-19.
The Queensland Government should act with the same bold confidence to create new jobs and sustain our quality of life by transitioning our economy to net-zero climate pollution, develop the renewable energy generation to realise our potential as a Renewable Superpower, and create a fairer, healthier, more democratic and equitable state.
Any economic stimulus should deliver community and ecological benefits as well as jobs. This crisis is an opportunity, and we need a government confident enough to act with a positive vision of, transforming Queensland to a state that leads the world in protecting our reef and our environment , transitioning our energy systems and our cities and towns, and creating the technology and community necessary to adapt to and mitigate climate change.
We believe boldly seizing the agenda outlined within offers a way to create employment opportunities, develop a sustainable economy, increase the resilience and health of our Queensland population and build a fairer community for everyone. This agenda, covering 10 crucial environment issues, has to be part of how the next Queensland Government works to unite and recover from the Covid pandemic. This is how we build back better.
Click on an issue area below to explore it individually, or check out the entire Environment Agenda here.
We asked the parties to respond to this Agenda and share their plans for protecting Queensland's precious climate and environment - you can see their statements here!