Ask The Government to Rein in Dirty Dozen emissions

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Just 12 big fossil fuel companies make up 10% of Australia’s emissions. Companies like Santos, Shell and Glencore are fuelling the climate crisis, raking in billions in profit while households and businesses suffer rising costs and the impacts of climate change. 

This is a critical week. The Australian Government is deciding on how strong to make emissions reduction policies for these companies. Send an email to the Minister for Climate Change and Energy, Chris Bowen to remind him that we want a strong Safeguard Mechanism which:

  • Doesn't allow these companies to keep on polluting by buying dodgy offsets for their entire pollution
  • Close the door on new fossil fuel projects that would blow the carbon budget for the Safeguard Mechanism; and 
  • Make big climate polluters pull their weight on reducing emissions so that regular Australians and local businesses don’t have to pick up their slack.

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